amygdala-4The good news is that once cognitive distortions are recognized and their destructive potentials brought to the surface, one becomes deeply motivated to learning new ways of thinking and being.

Because it is only here, in the area of thinking and behavior, that we have any degree of conscious control. That can influence our amygdala. Continue reading


control center of emotions

control center of emotions

The amygdala is not just in the emotional brain. It is deeeeeeep inside it. Meaning? It is operating unconsciously. You cannot control its immediate, instinctive, automatic reactions because they happen much before your consciousness kicks in.

What is it reacting to? At a high level, we can say that the amygdala reacts to new or threatening objects in the environment. When its triggered, it sends immediate rapid fire signals (how?) to your brain and body. To do what? To make your body ready to fight or flight the situation. Continue reading

How to keep yourself free from anxiety

anxious-face-390% of the experience of anxiety is physical.When you exasperatedly claim “I FEEL so scared”, you’re not kidding. Sometimes, the feeling of anxiety is just about all there is to anxiety.The physical symptoms can be downright unbearable. As an HSP, you are even more likely to “feel the symptoms” because of greater sensory sensitivity.What is causing your body to experience such debilitating symptoms? Your thoughts? Sure. But if you know your thoughts are exaggeratedly irrational, then why are you still feeling afraid? Continue reading

Optical Illusions

A tree

Optical illusions occur as a result of how information is received through the eyes and how that information is interpreted in the brain.When light enters the eyes, it passes first through the cornea, a transparent cover, and then through a watery fluid called the aqueous humor, and through the pupil, which is an opening in the colored part of the eye called the iris. The size of the pupil increases when there is less light and decreases when there is more. Continue reading